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At Impact Church, we believe that no one is ever too young to experience God’s love and better yet, you can have a lot of fun doing it! Every Sunday at Impact Church, your children (from birth to grade 6) will have the opportunity to interact with other children their own age in a safe, age-appropriate environment. Screened and trained leaders will teach them about God’s love for them and His purpose for their lives. Your children will learn about the truth of the Bible and how to apply it to their lives through creative storytelling, games and activities, crafts and songs.


To ensure safety and security, all children must be picked up by their parent or a designated adult with the appropriate ID tag. Because we care about your kids, we have implemented a process called “Plan To Protect” that every children’s worker must follow when they work with your children. “Plan To Protect” was designed to assist church leaders in developing clear policies and procedures that will help protect children, youth and volunteers. One of our main goals is to ensure that Impact Kids children’s ministry is safe! We want to create an environment where both children and ministry workers feel protected, so that appropriate, healthy and authentic relationships can be nurtured and developed.

What To Do When You Arrive

As soon as you arrive at church, enter through the side entrance (the doors facing the parking lot and playground). After you enter, turn right down the first hallway. There you can check your children into Impact Kids and drop them off at their class. 

Pick Up After Service

Once the service is over, we ask that you go to the check in cart for pick-up. A check-in volunteer will be there to help you check out your child from kids church. You will need to bring the tag with you that you were given when signing them in. This ensures that only those authorized to pick up your child will do so.

Our Vision

To invite kids into an alive and active relationship with Jesus, so they in turn can impact their world.

We want our kids to know that:

  • God loves me and created me on purpose with a purpose
  • Jesus saves me from my sins
  • I can live like Jesus and love like Jesus

At Impact Church, we believe that no one is ever too young to experience God’s love and forgiveness and be used by Him. We believe that our kids can know Him, love Him and share His love. They are not just the “future generation”, we are raising up our kids to be leaders in their sphere of influence and to be shining examples of His love to those around them.


Our Curriculum 


If you have any questions or concerns, please email 

Impact Kids Director


Michelle Lamb


Feel free to reach out! I would love to connect!