October 31, 2023
by Cameron Jeffs
As someone who has spent the majority of his life in church, I have been so blessed to have experienced so many amazing things about church life. Whether it is the teaching from God's Word, the meaningful relationships, the God encounters, or the many prayer moments at the altar. But one thing has always stood out to me as being the most impactful. That is worship! Some of...
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May 24, 2022
by Cameron Jeffs
During the late 1970's, the province of Ontario was in the middle of a tourism slump. The conservative government under Premier William Davis, decided to hire an advertising firm in order to revitalize the tourism industry. The result of that process led to what was known as the "Yours To Discover" campaign that gave rise to a new provincial slogan. In 1982, approximately ...
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February 22, 2022
by Cameron Jeffs
The last two years have been very difficult for most people in our church and in our community. The weight of dealing with a global pandemic, constant pivoting, and what feels like never ending restrictions have significantly impacted our lives. Through it all, God has been reminding me of something so simple yet so needed in this time. We were created for community! We we...
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January 14, 2022
by Cameron Jeffs
The greatest invitation of all time was given to us by God Himself and is captured in the book of James as he writes, "draw near to God and He will draw near to you" [James 4:8]. God, the Creator of the universe, formally requests your presence, not just for an event, but for a relationship for all eternity. But what will we do with that invitation? Will we respond to God?...
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December 31, 2021
by Cameron Jeffs
While some children are beginning to come down from the high of all the new things they opened on Christmas, many never cease to see something new through the eyes of wonder, excitement and endless possibility. As children become adults, the excitement and wonder about new things often wains in light of experiences, regrets, disappointments and historical let downs. The la...
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January 7, 2021
by Cameron Jeffs
In the last decade there has been a growing fascination with YouTube and its creative content. Whether it is a father and daughter singing together, or the hilarious videos by Dude Perfect, or simply watching a clip of a movie from your childhood, YouTube has found a way into the hearts of people all over the world. Binge watching did not start with Netflix, it started wit...
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March 3, 2020
by Cameron Jeffs
Over the last month, I have had a number of people ask me about a number of issues that are prominent in our culture today. For some, they ask me these questions because they are interested in finding out how I personally feel about a particular issue. For the majority, however, they are not asking for my opinion as much as they want to be reassured that God has it under c...
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February 26, 2020
by Cameron Jeffs
When I was in grade nine, one of my Canadian History class assignments was to interview a veteran from the war. I had the privilege of interviewing a gentleman from my church who was a bomber pilot in the RAF during World War 2. On his last bombing run, he was shot down over Germany and taken to a prisoner of war camp. This particular camp was made famous in 1963 in "The G...
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May 1, 2017
by Cameron Jeffs
Faith, Family & Finances
Can I invite you on an epic adventure? It is an adventure that is filled with great joy and endless stories of the goodness of God? ...
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November 15, 2016
by Cameron Jeffs
Faith, Family & Finances
Pastor Mark Batterson of National Community Church recently declared, “time may be measured in minutes, but life is measured in moments!” ...
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